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Second year wellness coordinator

1 available position

Serena Lai - Headshot

Serena Lai

As your current NUS Junior Wellness Coordinator, I am running to be your 2024-2025 Senior Wellness Coordinator. I have worked closely with the current Senior Wellness Coordinator in creating a wellness booth that informed students of UofT’s resources and acquainted students to UofT’s Health and Wellness team, creating our Warm and Fuzzies initiative which garnered 430+ responses, and working to form a Clinical Placement Support Group. As Senior Wellness Coordinator, I will continue these initiatives and create new ones. If elected, my goal is to increase awareness and accessibility to various on- and off-campus wellness resources by building a permanent display in the Nursing Lounge of these resources students can take with them at no cost at any time. Also, I aim to add a user-friendly webpage on NUS’ website with wellness resources to make navigating wellness resources more streamline.

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